Zelenogorsk Base Commander in trouble
Zelenogorsk Base scandal destroys commander's career

Rumours said base commander was demoted to private. Turns out he indeed cleans trash in some remote chedaki camp. (AAN World News)
Pointless loss of life
Thanks to anonymous sources, we are finally able to follow up on the recent scandalous night at Zelenogorsk military base, where a soldier - Janusz Bambaryla - was shot on base commander’s orders and bled to death. The poor soul had had enough of harsh treatment during help with unloading cargo from train and decided to make a run for it in a reposessed armoured vehicle, which would aid his unit. Our sources say the cargo was meant to be distributed to the units which sent workforce, making Bambaryla’s death even more tragic. And working conditions at the base were described as inhumane.
Army non-apology
At first the base commander refused any comment, but several days later AAN received a press briefing from high command’s spokesman who said:
“This is an army matter, soldiers are to follow orders or face consequences, if someone does not like it, sorry. Private Bambaryla died due to his own idiocy, the only thing Zelenogorsk commander did wrong is losing several vehicles and will be dealt with only for this. Moreover, army records show no soldier named Bambaryla served at any of the bases taking part in that night’s mission, therefore we are investigating spy activity in Zelenogorsk. Even if the commander’s actions led to a death, it was a death of an enemy personnel.”
Catastrophic aftermath of soldier’s death
However, recent days have brought rumours that the Zelenogorsk commander was seen at a remote base on gate guard and cleaning duty, wearing distinctions of a private. Considering he was to face consequences only for losing some trucks, the consequences prove the high command does not treat any mishaps lightly.
We’ll be following this rumours in the coming days.