Vibor Square incident
Protest against Chedaki occupiers met a quick and brutal response

Militia promptly opened fire to protesters against Chedaki occupiers. (AAN World News)
It was a peaceful day when citizens of Vibor gathered at the town’s square to commemorate victims of the last war. Prayer and memorial service were planned to be conducted by a local priest. The gathered quickly started to become agitated by the priest’s words, regarding not only the past wars, but also current situation in Chernarus and its Chedaki occupation. As the unease grew more and more, with voices from the crowd shouting out Chedaki wrongdoings against local families, the priest invited everyone to take matters in their own hands - unknowingly starting a mostly peaceful protest.
Despite facing a few angry people, the militia acted with disporportionate force, opening fire from their automatic rifles on the protesters within minutes. First bursts caused the crowd to flee in panic, luckily no one was shot or even wounded. Those who successfully escaped were forced to hide in alleys around the square, in order not to be taken to prison. The only wounds suffered by Viborians was a sprained ankle and a bruise on a face sustained while hiding from fire.
Multiple sources in Vibor and other parts of Chernarus have claimed that the militia has been going rampant for quite some time. Taking bribes for letting people through checkpoints - despite them having all necessary documents and cooperating - stealing cigarettes or ceasless questioning of the same people over and over again were not unusual among militia at every level of hierarchy. This came as a shock to Chernarussians, as their contacts with Chedaki have never been problematic, with the two nations coexisting in peace. It seems like putting a uniform on people changes everything.
We will be monitoring the situation in Zelenogorsk in the following days, as people seem resentful towards militia’s incompetence and may seek retribution.