Militia station heist in Zelenogorsk
Well armed and organized group striked the Zelenogorsk station this morning

Tough day for Zelenogorsk Militia as the station and its immediate proximity requires maintenance and cleaning after the robbery. (AAN World News)
It was supposed to be an ordinary day in Zelenogorsk
It’s almost third day in a row that Zelenogorsk sees another sensation. After scandal at Zelenogorsk base 3 days ago and a reckless pursuit yesterday, there was another criminal event in Zelenogorsk. This time Militia station was robbed, shortly before apperhended bandits were supposed to be transported to Chernogorsk.
Apart from the released bandits, two weapon crates and a briefcase with money is also missing from the station. After an hour of intensive, yet unsuccessful search, the pursuit has been put on hold so far, until Chedaki Army can help.
Militia shoots the robbers without warning, escalating the robbery
We’ve managed to get a quick interview with one of the Militia men that was present at the station during the heist.
- M: “Seconds before they breached back door, I’d left the station to turn off the engine of a crashed Militia car just outside the buildng. It was still pretty dark outside, and while walking to the car I thought I saw some movement on the station parking, but I ignored that. Seconds after I turned off the engine, I heard something like an explosion. Initially, I thought it’s just another accident, but then my partner didn’t respond on the radio. I went to the back door and saw it was blown off. I’ve reached for my gun and walked slowly towards the door. I spotted a bastard casually leaving the station and I started shooting.”
- AAN: “So there were no gunshots before? Shouldn’t you first order him to stop and drop his weapon or something like this?”
- M: “I should have, but I panicked.”
- AAN: “That’s understandable, but Militia men should respect the law and the rules at all times. That’s what you’re trained for.”
- M: “So anyway, I started blasting at the bastard. I managed to knock him out, then the second one came out and I knocked him out too. Fortunately, they missed me with their shotgun shots. The third one saw that and yelled at me to drop my weapon and threw a flashbang at me while someone else screamed they had a hostage. After that, I was shot in my right leg. I had to give up.”
- AAN: “Third? That seems like a big, well organized group.”
- M: “Actually, I think there were 4 robbers. I managed to shoot 2 and 5 escaped, including the 3 imprisoned before.”
Wounded robbers were taken to Zelenogorsk healthcare center in a critical state. Their identity is still unknown as doctors refuse access to anyone until state of the robbers is stable. In the event, 3 Militia men were shot and required medical attention. However, their wounds were superficial.
Innocent old farmer arrested for driving a red Lada
It was reported that bandits escaped Zelenogorsk in 2 red cars, a Golf and a Lada, towards Pogorevka. The pursuit began and Militia set up a roadblock outside Zelenogorsk. They managed to catch a farmer from Pogorevka who was driving back to his home after visiting a store in Zelenogorsk. He reported that he had his hunting rifle on the back seat. However, Militia checked his trunk and discovered a militiary vest and flashbangs there. The man was taken into custody.
During interrogation, the farmer claimed that he had mistaken his car for the one he was driving and that the bandits probably stole the car that he used earlier. This was later confirmed as 2 abandoned red cars were found in Pulkovo and Pustoshka. The farmer was released shortly after and his rifle was returned.
Officials are worried about increased criminal activity in western Chernarus
Both Militia commander and Chedaki Army high-command are worried about recent criminal and possible espionage activity near Zelenogorsk. In the following days the Chedaki Army will support Militia units during regular tasks in the area.