Shootout in Berezino, dozens killed

12 killed, 5 wounded, 3 missing is the aftermath of today's shootout between Militia and Chedaks near Berezino.

Militia armed with AKs inspects the ambush site. Militia cars pierced with bullet holes. Few body bags and a pool of blood.

Militia secures the scene. Lada took heavy fire, but provided enough cover. Some blood and bodybags visible. (AAN World News)

Today at 7 AM, a heavy shootout occurred in the outskirts of Berezino

Militia squad supported by a few local farmers were heading for the last known location of Chedaki fighters. They were ambushed in the forest 1 km west of Berezino. Shots were heard in the city as well as in surrounding villages.

Heavy fighting lasted almost an hour. Despite suffering severe losses in the first minutes of firefight, Militia and farmers slowly retreated towards forest edge using the remaining vehicle as a cover and held their ground waiting for reinforcements. First, some additional patrols from Berezino Militia arrived with additional weaponry and ammunition, as the firefight in the forest was very intense and almost no ammunition was left. However, the main reinforcements from Elektrozavodsk were delayed. When they finally arrived on the scene, most Militia men were either killed or wounded, some survivors in the forest were taken captive. Chedaks quickly recognized Militia’s advantage when cavalry arrived. They fled, leaving any survivors behind.

One of Militia survivors told that Chedaks were “inappropriately well equipped” for a guerillas and they even used explosives, like hand grenades. Brief analysis of the scene confirmed his words. This is the first time that Chedaks were spotted using hand grenades and RPGs, although it had been presumed earlier they might have had access to more than just small arms.

Big loss for Berezino

As of now, there are 4 killed Militia officers, 6 wounded and 3 are missing, including commander Igel who was responsible for the operation. Out of 6 involved farmers, 3 were killed and 2 are severly wounded. 2 killed Chedaks and 2 heavily wounded were found. These numbers might change in the following hours as status of 6 wounded is critical and public services haven’t managed to search the surrounding area yet. Critically wounded were taken to hospitals in Novodimitrovsk, Severograd and Chernogorsk by helicopters.

Minister of Internal Security issued a statement denouncing the bloodshed and demanded Chedaks to start the armistice negotiations straight away. He also expressed his condolences to the families of the victims and promised to decorate the brave men fallen during the clash. Asked about the missing Militia men, he expressed his will to find them and that he’s open to negotiate their safe return from captivity if alive.

Update 1 PM: One Chedaki fighter, a Militia man and a farmer passed away from the extensive wounds. This brings total Militia and farmers casualties to 9 killed, 4 wounded and 3 missing.

Daniel Špaděl is a specialist correspondent, based in Chernarus. Awarded by Chernarus Journalists Committee with an award for 2016 year and his reportage about government's corruption, nepotism and cronyism. Previously with the Chernogorsk Times, Daniel joined AAN in 2017.

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